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 I'm going to try to remember to add an AI image every week!  Additionally, I'm seeking out good 'Magic Pop' though there's been a recent lack of such being currently produced.  Let me in the engineering booth...

 Anyway, eyes to skies and if you know of good groups on X or any platform where I can join in, leave me a message in the comment box.  

Pictured above is a fertilized egg on it's way to find the accretion... 

Stay tuned as there's so much more coming your way.


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Elon = Alien? The Way Things Are Going...



From the article:

Billionaire Elon Musk recently said that he was an "alien" and "nobody believes" him during a recent appearance at the Viva Tech event in Paris. The presenter questioned him about rumours of his extraterrestrial origins, the SpaceX and Tesla Chief laughed and replied, "I am an alien. Yeah, I keep saying I'm an alien, but nobody believes me." Notably, this was part of a session titled "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Elon Musk But Were Afraid to Ask," which was inspired by the title of a Woody Allen movie. Mr Musk was speaking virtually and mentioned that he couldn't be there in person since he was attending his son's graduation, as per a report in Euronews.

 And what's funny is that the more I learn about our language and annexed "historical" information, I can't say without uncertainty that he is crazy.  I do consider Elon, first and foremost, an actor.  Check his resume!  Not a fan, at least not in the sense that I think he is really just some actor and not the "billionaire" we have all come to admire... Not me.  Nope- I'm not buying the fan fiction or any of the Elon story, what can I say, I have a critical mind full of critical thoughts.


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Unveiling the Mysteries: Is Iron Mountain a Keeper of World-Altering Secrets?

Greeting to all of you curious minds and witty skeptics, Kool Aid drinkers and the abstinent! Your favorite professional blogger here, embarking on a delightful inquiry into the enigmatic giant known as Iron Mountain. Let's unravel the mysteries surrounding this storage titan. Is it merely a repository for mundane documents, or could it possibly be a treasure trove of hidden, even world-altering secrets? Time to explore this intriguing possibility with a healthy dose of humor and a sprinkle of hard facts.

What Is Iron Mountain?

Iron Mountain is a global enterprise famously known for its records management, data backup services, and secure destruction. The company was founded in 1951 and initially started as a vault underground in a depleted iron ore mine, where it protected corporate documents from potential nuclear threats during the Cold War ("Iron Mountain Incorporated," 2020). Today, it operates secure storage facilities in more than 50 countries, housing everything from business records to historical artifacts.

Why All the Secrecy?

The level of security at some Iron Mountain facilities is indeed reminiscent of something out of a spy movie. For example, their underground facility in Pennsylvania is known for extreme security measures, including armed guards and biometric systems (Markus, 2018). While these measures are publicly justified as necessary for protecting sensitive data from theft or disaster, such security inevitably sparks the imagination. What could be so valuable, or so dangerous, that it requires protection worthy of a Bond villain's lair?

A Haven for Priceless Artifacts?

Iron Mountain does store more than just business documents. They have been entrusted with historical treasures and cultural artifacts. For instance, the Corbis collection, owned by Bill Gates, includes millions of historical photographs and images, some of which are stored in Iron Mountain’s facilities (Klein, 2015). This includes iconic images like Einstein sticking out his tongue and portraits of global leaders. The idea that such culturally significant items are stored alongside mundane corporate documents adds a layer of intrigue.

There is even a more personal story I can tell, but at this juncture wouldn't be necessary to add here, it's interesting by its own merit, which bodes well for me.  Hey, it's no secret many of top universities have already had Iron Mountain come and digitize their most rare holdings in the basements of their libraries.  If you have eyes with the ability to sense an Orwellian standoff, then you are ready to proceed.  A library tethered by its digital resources rather than hard copies, 1st printings, out of print documents are compromised in a totalitarian kind of way.

Guarding More Than Just Secrets?

Some speculate that the services provided by Iron Mountain go beyond simple security. In her book Dark Archives: A Librarian's Investigation into the Science and History of Books Bound in Human Skin, Megan Rosenbloom (2020) discusses how institutions like Iron Mountain could theoretically be called upon to protect items that are not only rare but also macabre or controversial, thus needing both physical security and secrecy.

The Reality Check

While it’s thrilling to entertain notions of Iron Mountain holding keys to alien communications or Shakespeare’s lost plays, the truth likely leans towards a less dramatic reality. The high level of security and confidentiality is standard for protecting sensitive personal and corporate information in our digital age. However, the blend of high-security protocols with the preservation of historical artifacts certainly gives the imagination a vast playground.

Conclusion: A Mountain of Paper or Secrets?

In the end, while Iron Mountain is probably just exceptionally good at safeguarding very important but rather ordinary documents, the fun - straight face - lies in pondering the "what-ifs." Are there undisclosed pieces of history nestled within those secured walls, or is it simply a fortress against data breaches and disasters?  In my view - well who cares about my view..  Most of the conspiracies people finally awakening with the vision to comprehend even its tainted beauty, while so simple, can easily get dusted away.

Dear readers, I leave you with this: whether it’s a mountain of secrets or just well-guarded paperwork, Iron Mountain surely knows how to keep us guessing. And in the world of mystery and humor, that’s perhaps the most valuable secret of all.

So, keep your wit about you and your eyes open. You never know what secrets might be hiding in plain sight, shielded by nothing more than our assumptions.  In the meanwhile, you know the answer, so go outside and live your life (g), not that "goddamned life" that I have been talking about.



  • "Iron Mountain Incorporated" (2020). In Encyclopedia of Global Industries. Retrieved from [Corporate Database].
  • Markus, R. (2018). The Secrets We Keep: Security Measures at Iron Mountain. New York: Business Expert Press.
  • Klein, A. (2015). Cultural Treasures: The Hidden Histories of Iconic Photographs. London: Heritage Press.
  • Rosenbloom, M. (2020). Dark Archives: A Librarian’s Investigation into the Science and History of Books Bound in Human Skin. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.


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Wow - FMPU is About to Blast Through to its Biggest Month in 20 Year History!


Founded in 2004, FMPU continues to chug along.  I'm going to try to post more often, and I do apologize, there's several broken links carried within, I'm not going to go back and fix em, but Yes I do see those...

Thank you for hanging, the UFO narrative strangely has gone from risk-on to risk-off, safe for discussing, in fact, it seems the more you have to say on any of the particular subcategories the better! 

I will have to do some kind of overview at some point.

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Eclipse Video by SAMFU

So here's one of my favorite youtubers, SAMFU, which isn't all that different from FMPU come to think of it... I really appreciate someone that aggregates good videos and shares their findings. Sometimes it's a thankless act, but not when it comes to videos I find. I like giving shout outs like this. Check SAMFU out on youtube..


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Hello - Check Out My Podcast!

 Ok - it's time to take attendance.  Do you know I have a podcast?  I haven't cross-promoted in while and I  haven't been doing a ton of pods to begin with but I'm telling you now if you don't catch the next you'll never know what you're missing.

Some of you will know me as JP of Reperception Podcast, others may be just landing here for the first or 2nd time - fat bottomed fans, you make the rockin' world go round. 

I haven't heard any good UFO stories of late - check that - I just heard Jordan Maxwell, in a 6 year old podcast he did before he left Earth for better frontiers. 


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The Double-Edged Sword of Investment and Control [Part 1]

Written by:  JP 

An intro into my views on crypto.  While it's a great investment in the medium-run, long-run will result in the single largest threat to freedom man has ever faced. 

Introduction: Cryptocurrency has emerged as one of the most captivating investment opportunities of the modern era, promising decentralized financial systems and unprecedented potential for returns. However, beneath the allure of digital wealth lies a contentious debate over the implications of a fully digitized monetary system. While cryptocurrencies offer the promise of financial liberation, there's a lurking concern that their widespread adoption could pave the way for centralized control by unscrupulous leaders, ultimately stifling individual freedoms and empowerment. This article explores the duality of cryptocurrency as both a lucrative investment avenue and a potential instrument for authoritarian control.

The Investment Opportunity: At its core, cryptocurrency represents a revolutionary departure from traditional financial systems. With Bitcoin leading the charge, cryptocurrencies have captured the imagination of investors worldwide, offering tantalizing returns and an alternative to centralized banking. The decentralized nature of blockchain technology, the backbone of cryptocurrencies, promises security, transparency, and freedom from the constraints of traditional financial institutions. Moreover, the finite supply of many cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin's capped limit of 21 million coins, fuels speculation and drives up prices, making them an attractive investment option for those seeking long-term growth potential.

The Slippery Slope: Despite the promise of financial independence, the ascent of cryptocurrency also raises profound concerns about the erosion of personal liberties in a fully digital economy. Unlike physical currency, which can be transacted anonymously, cryptocurrencies leave a digital footprint that can be traced back to individuals. This transparency opens the door for governments or authoritarian regimes to exert control over their citizens' financial activities, potentially weaponizing cryptocurrency to monitor and manipulate economic behavior. Moreover, the absence of regulatory oversight in the cryptocurrency space leaves investors vulnerable to fraud, hacking, and market manipulation, further exacerbating the risks associated with digital currencies.

Centralized Control: As governments and corporations increasingly explore the potential of blockchain technology, there's a growing apprehension that the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency could lead to the centralization of power in the hands of a few. While blockchain's decentralized ledger initially promised to democratize finance, the reality is that centralized exchanges and mining pools dominate the cryptocurrency landscape, creating points of vulnerability susceptible to manipulation and coercion. Furthermore, the prospect of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) threatens to usher in a new era of financial surveillance, with governments wielding unprecedented control over their citizens' financial lives.

Preserving Empowerment: To safeguard against the encroachment of centralized control, it's imperative that the cryptocurrency community remains vigilant in advocating for decentralization, transparency, and individual sovereignty. This entails promoting the development of decentralized exchanges, privacy-focused cryptocurrencies, and robust encryption protocols to protect users' identities and transactions. Moreover, education and awareness initiatives are crucial in empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency landscape responsibly, mitigating the risks of fraud and exploitation.

Conclusion: Cryptocurrency represents a paradigm shift in the way we conceptualize money, offering unparalleled investment opportunities and the promise of financial autonomy. However, the allure of digital wealth must be tempered with a sober recognition of the potential risks posed by centralized control and authoritarian manipulation. As we venture further into the digital frontier, it's incumbent upon us to uphold the principles of decentralization, transparency, and individual empowerment, ensuring that cryptocurrency remains a tool for liberation rather than a mechanism of control. By advocating for a more inclusive and equitable financial future, we can harness the transformative power of cryptocurrency to empower individuals and communities worldwide.

 Image credit:  JP