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Magic Benchmark: October 13, 2010 ?
A new book by a previously little-known NORAD fella claims to have knowledge of a "tentative" UFO aerial. Maybe this is a spooky trick or treat preview, but the store is creating a bunch of weird side-stories, all I know is this is the perfect time for this book, just a couple of weeks to wait and see how full of beans this dude is. For those who have a life and don't look into the UFO world often, trust the Federation when we tell you that the information going around the horn on the internets is unbelievable these days. There are stories released daily that provide us good sci-fi fans with amazing UFO stories at all hours of the day... whether they are creative or not is one thing, but it seems like there is always a date on the horizon where something big is going to happen. Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me again .... shame on me! Or something like that. If getting fooled is wrong, I guess I don't wanna be right. What's at stake, of course, is the long-term sales of Stanley A. Fulham's new book Challenges of Change (3rd edition!), which states there will be some sort of massive UFO "invasion" that will help Americans citizens of the world to recognize.
Says the press release:
"Fulham writes it is generally recognized UFOs function beyond our earth's physical laws, and has concluded answers to questions regarding who they are, where are they from, why are they here, are they a threat, and the mystery of abductions could only be found at a higher dimension of reality."
There is a big chat thread a brewin' over at ATS.
I hope this happens and it sounds legit because of the co2 thing. We can only breathe in so much of co2 and if nature gets too much of co2 at once. Grass will grow too fast where we'll end up cutting it almost twice a day, wearing down our cutting technology, spending more money on technology and gas and imbalances nature's way of life and ours. Since co2 is beneficial for growing, too much of it is a bad thing.
You are correct. Overpopulation in Hawthorne, CA is going to be proven to be the tipping point for global warming. In other news, a forest ranger is on the way back to the Westside because he found out there is no lake, and there is no forest in Lake Forest. Finally - AC adapters are now used as fancy dining in 34 different countries.
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