More insight to the Hollow Earth Theory! Yes, just when you felt a solid one building up from within, yet another video on a topic that refuses to die just pops up. I have it on good information that at very least, the molten lava core that all the textbooks taught us about when we were in school is probably false. To make the leap to thinking we are a hollow earth would be a major leap of faith, but nobody is stopping you!
What's up with PUTIN? Says one website, the Russians are already prepared for an alien attack! Yep, still not enough food to feed the Earth but we'll be ready to fight off them goddamn aliens!
Putin remains calm on the matter: “The Gootans are no match for Russians. I dare them to attack Russia. We will crush them.”
Sign up for intelligent life: Thousands petition Obama to reveal 'government secrets' about UFOs and extraterrestrials
More than 7,500 people have signed a petition asking the White House to 'formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon.'
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