See this guy cashed out for gold several years ago, and now he's in a power position And has grown over the airways so he can't do no wrong, if ya following along. And he spouts and grows his schtick and asks for people who don't want to call to email during his show. Fine.
An invitation is an invitation! So he brings on this horrible guest who is making some vile pitch about how fast things are moving, and technology won't allow us even a moment for a spot of tea. The sky is falling and knowing Christ is the only way out, Mr. Roboto.
A sing song of a dance number that brings us back to that loop. And why is this shit being told to us at breakneck speeds, with understandable audio trouble and such ... ? Because he has some gold and can afford the payments? Nah. Why then?
And after an hour of listening to this babble, Suitcase Sally looks up at me and asks "Why are you listening to this again, Mr. Jew dude?" All I could assure her of in this life is that I will never give up the good fight.
So I did only what I thought was the right thing to do, and take Mr. Host up on his invite. I sent an email stating that his guest is full of shit.
Get her off.
Message sent.
Here was the eloquent response I got from Mr. Host Man of Christ:
"why don't you go fuck yourself. how's that bitch"
How's that. How's that? Lemme say, I didn't expect anything, but at least I got that and knowing Mr Host Man of Christ it was just another stab that he took the wrong way because his sense of humor is caught up somewhere in his aural omnipresence. I laughed, of course. No - err - WE laughed. Dr. Joyce IS a Nostradamus, but it's a bad call to sell your audience out to the History Channel. What a dork, I'm glad I called you on that. I suppose it shows you can play with the devil in these ugly times, but the devil ain't shown his/her ugly head in my house since I stabbed and sauteed that bitch like a motherfucker years ago.
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