So it's been nearly TWO months since seminal UFO blogger, Andre, over there at The Alien Project, has posted anything. Obviously we wish for the best, but I'll say that when that guy is working on pushing forward the information, there is no slowing that cowboy. His post on Comet Elenin was impressive, and now with just a few days until it's perihelion, he's been surprisingly quiet. Of course there's a lot more than his information. Latest news is that the comet is breaking down. Is this going to be yet another false alarm? It's beginning to feel eerily similar to that hurricane Irene (in fact they sound like sisters). Last name, FAIL.
Lots of information like this Discovery article provides more important NASA revelations the comet won't have any effect on Earth in case you're preparing to go to underground bunker before her arrival.
Scientists are basing their thoughts about the comet's breakup on the fact that the comet's brightness has fallen by 50% over the last week, say scientists.
Then we got this weird video (legitimacy pending)... and don't forget, NASA just announced that it's going to get there to the Space Station and get those astronauts out in November, a story that I noticed being perpetually fed to us in the MM.
Intensified! Electrofried!
Let's see what happens, doesn't sound like we'll get the 9/10 views (or 911 views if you believe the conspiracy site's) of the comet. Meltdowsn in process?
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Great big FMPU thanks
Emailed one of my favorite podcasters during his show last night. The topic, while not very defined is generally unusual, unsettling, offbeat, etc. The stuff I like and more. Except when this fool brings on his holy rollers. And that's where this 911 truther/the sky is falling douche bag wants to take it. So be it. BUT... still... it's not as bad as he wants us to think.
See this guy cashed out for gold several years ago, and now he's in a power position And has grown over the airways so he can't do no wrong, if ya following along. And he spouts and grows his schtick and asks for people who don't want to call to email during his show. Fine.
An invitation is an invitation! So he brings on this horrible guest who is making some vile pitch about how fast things are moving, and technology won't allow us even a moment for a spot of tea. The sky is falling and knowing Christ is the only way out, Mr. Roboto.
A sing song of a dance number that brings us back to that loop. And why is this shit being told to us at breakneck speeds, with understandable audio trouble and such ... ? Because he has some gold and can afford the payments? Nah. Why then?
And after an hour of listening to this babble, Suitcase Sally looks up at me and asks "Why are you listening to this again, Mr. Jew dude?" All I could assure her of in this life is that I will never give up the good fight.
So I did only what I thought was the right thing to do, and take Mr. Host up on his invite. I sent an email stating that his guest is full of shit.
Get her off.
Message sent.
Here was the eloquent response I got from Mr. Host Man of Christ:
"why don't you go fuck yourself. how's that bitch"
How's that. How's that? Lemme say, I didn't expect anything, but at least I got that and knowing Mr Host Man of Christ it was just another stab that he took the wrong way because his sense of humor is caught up somewhere in his aural omnipresence. I laughed, of course. No - err - WE laughed. Dr. Joyce IS a Nostradamus, but it's a bad call to sell your audience out to the History Channel. What a dork, I'm glad I called you on that. I suppose it shows you can play with the devil in these ugly times, but the devil ain't shown his/her ugly head in my house since I stabbed and sauteed that bitch like a motherfucker years ago.
Donate a stick of gold to FMPU!
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Oh wait, I live in California and I don't think I can still get the Amazon affiliate money any more. Oh that sucks so fucking bad. Wahhh.
See this guy cashed out for gold several years ago, and now he's in a power position And has grown over the airways so he can't do no wrong, if ya following along. And he spouts and grows his schtick and asks for people who don't want to call to email during his show. Fine.
An invitation is an invitation! So he brings on this horrible guest who is making some vile pitch about how fast things are moving, and technology won't allow us even a moment for a spot of tea. The sky is falling and knowing Christ is the only way out, Mr. Roboto.
A sing song of a dance number that brings us back to that loop. And why is this shit being told to us at breakneck speeds, with understandable audio trouble and such ... ? Because he has some gold and can afford the payments? Nah. Why then?
And after an hour of listening to this babble, Suitcase Sally looks up at me and asks "Why are you listening to this again, Mr. Jew dude?" All I could assure her of in this life is that I will never give up the good fight.
So I did only what I thought was the right thing to do, and take Mr. Host up on his invite. I sent an email stating that his guest is full of shit.
Get her off.
Message sent.
Here was the eloquent response I got from Mr. Host Man of Christ:
"why don't you go fuck yourself. how's that bitch"
How's that. How's that? Lemme say, I didn't expect anything, but at least I got that and knowing Mr Host Man of Christ it was just another stab that he took the wrong way because his sense of humor is caught up somewhere in his aural omnipresence. I laughed, of course. No - err - WE laughed. Dr. Joyce IS a Nostradamus, but it's a bad call to sell your audience out to the History Channel. What a dork, I'm glad I called you on that. I suppose it shows you can play with the devil in these ugly times, but the devil ain't shown his/her ugly head in my house since I stabbed and sauteed that bitch like a motherfucker years ago.
Donate a stick of gold to FMPU!
VisaS and MastercardS accepted.
Or buy bookS from our Amazon store...
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It's been a less than fantastic journey as far as my research into the ufo phenomenon is concerned. Fact is, I was busy producing a film festival this month, and last month I just didn't give a fuck because all the information I was reading about was similar to the point of - gasp - boring me to sleep every time I opened an article. Nothing helpful, nothing worthwhile. This covers the spectrum - from conspiracy theory to abductions, there's been nothing weirder than real life politics at the moment. That is where strange is.
Project Blue Beam might be the one exception. It's the story behind a possible faux ufo experiment that will supposedly be used to fuck with people. Well, now that that cat is outta the bag, we won't count on that one.
Also, lots of speculation about that damn Planet X, Niburu, and 2012 stuff going round. I should say on this front that I did go check out some Mayan ruins on the Yucatan peninsula in early August. Beautiful and sublime, but still no real stuff. Long podcasts and some other shows of interest have kept me afloat and informed makes up the balance of where I'm at of late.
Strange how taking a step back and turning away from all the information for a few weeks can really make a difference. Perspective, my friends. Perspective. And right now, I still have the open mind, but I don't have the desire to dig into past sightings. I've read the "biggies," but it's still the new "breaking" stories that give me any rise worth mentioning.
OH, also VERY sad to mention the passing of Mr. Bob Hopkins. He kept it interesting in his writing, but cancer has done in yet another important figure in the ufo research game. May he now find the answers to the questions he spent his life seeking.
Stepped Away from them UFO Folk for a Minute
It's been a less than fantastic journey as far as my research into the ufo phenomenon is concerned. Fact is, I was busy producing a film festival this month, and last month I just didn't give a fuck because all the information I was reading about was similar to the point of - gasp - boring me to sleep every time I opened an article. Nothing helpful, nothing worthwhile. This covers the spectrum - from conspiracy theory to abductions, there's been nothing weirder than real life politics at the moment. That is where strange is.
Project Blue Beam might be the one exception. It's the story behind a possible faux ufo experiment that will supposedly be used to fuck with people. Well, now that that cat is outta the bag, we won't count on that one.
Also, lots of speculation about that damn Planet X, Niburu, and 2012 stuff going round. I should say on this front that I did go check out some Mayan ruins on the Yucatan peninsula in early August. Beautiful and sublime, but still no real stuff. Long podcasts and some other shows of interest have kept me afloat and informed makes up the balance of where I'm at of late.
Strange how taking a step back and turning away from all the information for a few weeks can really make a difference. Perspective, my friends. Perspective. And right now, I still have the open mind, but I don't have the desire to dig into past sightings. I've read the "biggies," but it's still the new "breaking" stories that give me any rise worth mentioning.
OH, also VERY sad to mention the passing of Mr. Bob Hopkins. He kept it interesting in his writing, but cancer has done in yet another important figure in the ufo research game. May he now find the answers to the questions he spent his life seeking.
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