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UFO Mothership over small town in Florida June 11, 2014

I dunno - I was a little bored so went looking for a UFO link and this was what I got.


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Agoura Hills UFO Sighting!

I was looking east towards the San Fernando Valley, from my back yard in Agoura Hills, Ca. The time was Approx. 9:15 pm (January 8, 2014). I was observing ORION on a great clear night. A very large light suddenly appeared, directly in my view at a pretty low altitude. It was as if someone flipped a switch to turn it on. I would estimate that the object was in the San Fernando Valley between Calabasas and Woodland Hills. (Again,Just an Estimate) The bright light changed color from blue-green to some amber-orange. The light was stationary for a brief time and then, at an amazing speed, darted from the east directly towards my position west. The bright, large craft was at a low altitude. (On a daily basis, there is a continuous flight pattern of planes, flying past/over my location, descending eastward and southeastward to land at LAX, John Wayne, and/or other airports.) This craft was much lower, I would estimate less than 3000 feet or less. The craft flew towards my position and ended up, to the left of my field of vision. The UFO's flight path, covered my complete field of view (as I turned my head as it passed) flying from it's position eastward, past me to the opposite horizon in the west/north west, until it was out of sight) This happened in less than 2 seconds. An amazing speed, and stayed at a constant altitude and direction. Again, an Incredible speed, no noise and the object looked large (larger than the light field produced my incoming planes at night, at higher altitudes !! This was not a comet or meteorite, as I observe meteor showers often. I hope that others witnessed this incredible UFO. I'll be watching the skies more often.