Hey take a look. Views for this website have improved yet again.
More regular posts would ultimately be the best thing, but the second best thing is for YOU to come back or link! I try to remember to always return the favor.
I suppose it's a sign of the times. It has been one amazingly fast year so far.
A very special thank you to The Debris Field who sent us an amazing 150 views during a record-setting August month! Go check out Leslie Gunter's great website, you'll find something you like.
MAGIC POP and UFOS. Fodder for your gelatinous brain!
UPDATE: Not to be out-done, Drudgereport.com just made their announcement that August 2012 gave them their greatest yield of views ever in their 17 year history. They had about 943 million+ more views then FMPU but that's aiight. If anything I would like to remind you, and all readers, if I don't break a record again I'll be assuming it's more a symptom of more people going outside because yes, don't you worry, your computer will still be there waiting for your return. Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!