Big news today from the internettaweb. I'm speaking of course of the NASA announcement that there is (get ready for the duhhhhhhh moment) life on mars. Bowie already got it right and Elton John had it wrong. Right on the heels of a strange Chinese evangelical claim that they found Noah's Ark, NASA counters with a tiny crumb of what they have known for a long, long time. The bet is simple - if NASA announces they found life, real life, like a small animal or humanoid, on Mars before 2015, I lose and...
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Eater of the Sun - a short film
Eater of the Sun from on Vimeo....
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Just a couple Out There links from friends around town...
Don't Talk to Aliensfrom the Times Online - Jonathan LeakeThis is a Stephen Hawking update. In the text he warns human-kind that ETs may not be kind. Duhh, we've all seen V (original or new or both) and this is obvious, once again, Stephen, science states the obvious!check it here UFO "News" from the AnamolymanAnamolyman Another piece from Michael Cohen, who writes articles that get regularly bushwhacked for good reason. Always check OBJECT REPORT for other paranormal/UFO major news breaks. As a reminder - we here at FMPU don't want you to walk away...
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Information about Gary McKinnon's UFO findings
FMPU has followed the Gary McKinnon case since it first broke. The Scottish pothead computer hacker claims to have viewed government information that was classified. Several rumors abound as in the linked blog post claims to have all the "inside scoop" -- which is, in fact, inside poop. The most revealing part of the article is that Gary used a dial-up modem to perform the hacks into the NASA’s Johnson’s space center website, where he collected/viewed sensitive data - but he was unable to perform saves on the most critical information (pictures of cigar...
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Roger Marsh Keeps UFO Heads Alert
Roger Marsh is UFO workaholic. One needs to be just this to hang in with this much dedication. Check out his Examiner UFO page and go visit local (or not so local) articles. He's a great guy, and accessible - he's done a lot for me and my writing. I highly recommend his writings - there is something for everyone who is into the paranormal and or UFO related topics.'Slender triangle UFO' seems to follow traffic along California's I-5 near San Clemente Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 · 1 commentA California witness traveling south along I-5...
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Aldous Podcastly
First off, I couldn't be more excited to have found a podcast of A Brave New World, the classic story of human degradation and ruin. The story is acted out beautifully, and is narrated by none other than the author himself, Aldous Huxley. So alphas, betas deltas, etc. get yourself a chilled drink, and listen to this two piece masterpiece. It's fantastic. PART I PART II Then when you're done, or in the midst of this mind-opening experience, check out Johnny's blog where there is some more links to Aldous (and Orwell) podcast links...
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Sylvania Ghost Light Bulb Commercial
No this isn't exactly news, or anywhere near new, but it's still pretty awesome. ...
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Alex Jones takes out iPad
Torture? Prison Planet steps up to smash an iPad in grand fashion. ...
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Puma Punku in Tiahuanaco, Boliva
No respect. The Puma Punku gets punked day in and day out by those Egyptian pyramids. Plus, the people you see speaking about the Puma Punku are far more entertaining then those boring Smithsonian travel writers. ...
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FMPU Selects Mars Uncensored Best Facebook Page!
FMPU loves this page. If you dare have a FB account, Mars Uncensored is not only highly recommended, but it is a MUST ADD! WHY YOU ARE DENIED THE TRUTH ABOUT LIFE BEYOND THIS PLANET Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 1:12am NASA was established as a civilian space programme by the National Aeronautics and Space Act on July 29, 1958, replacing its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). The agency became operational on October 1, 1958 with the agency charged with exploring space "ON BEHALF OF HUMANKIND AND INFORMING ALL HUMANITY OF ITS...
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Yemen Stargate
Today there was an open question on my Facebook about knowledge of a Yemen Stargate. Now, this video is idealistic - perhaps it's part of the problem, who knows?! FMPU is but a mere mortal with mortal thoughts and modest knowledge. We have met many of the big players, but still have not one shred of modeled truth and hard answers. But damn, after all this time our mind remains crystal clear in knowing what is needed. ...
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For the World is Hollow ... and I Have Touched the Sky!
Check out R.C. Hoagland's Enterprise Mission for a great new(s) report about Phobos! ...
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Recommended critique on Flying Saucer Review
The Big Study covers a wide array of super strange topics that make for a fun read. This includes the most recent post about the Flying Saucer Review, a 50s magazine that reviewed UFO sightings. From the post: Flying Saucer Review took a turn for the worse, in my opinion, in 1958. Whereas earlier it was a fairly naively presented forum for all sorts of guesswork about what saucers were and portended, now it was beginning to act like it had the answers. The answers were those that were being given by the contactees...
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