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Good morning, have a Hadron Collider for breakfast
Check this out - the Hadron Collider is active today....
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Got more stuff for you UFO fruitbeams
Is ET a summer surf nut? UFO spottings on Central Coast of NSW: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/travel/is-et-a-summer-surf-nut-ufo-spottings-on-central-coast-nsw/story-e6frezhr-1225846578147UFO in Flight Path of Airport: http://ufos.about.com/b/2010/03/29/ufo-in-flight-path-of-airport.htmBRIGHT RED LIGHT. UFO? AIRPLANE? LASER? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-_maw711pM Retired Pilot Saw ETs at UFO Crash Site: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u7yd9j1qR0&feature=player_embedded Colin Andrews: Filmed since 1997 its back: The Cleveland UFO and this time its hanging around:http://www.colinandrews.net/New-Postings-Links.html...
Tagged under: pop
There are aliens in this Stan Ridgway video
One of the best adds to my personal Facebook page was the adding of Stan Ridgway. His music is incredible. And when I say this, I'm not talking about his commercial hit the one you all know. Though I still to this day wonder what bbq'd iguana tastes like. Have a listen, and then find more of his music, it's great. ...
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Website: POLE SHIFT OF 2012
The Shift i The Shift is Happening Now by Wynn Free & Gregg Braden There are many quantifiable scientific indicators proving that the Earth and the Solar System are going through changes which have never previously occurred in recorded human history. Many psychics and channelers say that we have entered the beginning of a dimensional shift which is already deeply affecting all of our lives. And some predict that within the next decade we will enter into an Ascension process fulfilling the prophecies of Jesus.s Happening Now by Wynn Free & Gregg Braden...
Tagged under: Phobos
More Phobos!
I found this page today and thought I'd share. Reason being that Richard C. Hoagland, pilot of the Enterprise Mission is ranting on about how Phobos is a lot more interesting than what we read about in science class. Link one Link two Link three Meanwhile, you should go to the website (excerpt below) to read a beginner's lesson in Phobos conspiracy theory. Fun stuff. With the arrival of two more rovers transmitting data on the planet Mars, it’s moon Phobo’s has sparked interest once again. Hopes are high that today’s technology will finally...
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Some Paranormal Links for Your Researching Ass
It's Saturday night and I just lost an hour, give me a break, will you? What can you say - chicks dig Ufologists. Anyway, friends, please note this author has not actually been to these links and they in no way express the views of FMPU. I just want to post these so one lonely day (right now) I would have a place to come check out some stuff that will probably suck. It's random so don't hate, find the gems: Dark Matter Radio on Blog Talk Radio http://www.guba.com/watch/2000921008 http://www.history.com/minisites/ufohunters http://www.mogulus.com/ufologynetwork www.paratopia.net www.binnallofamerica.com...
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Some Trippy French Bread
A new book reveals a deep dark secret that the CIA was involved in a LSD experiment with a French town which is known as The Mystery of Le Pain Maudit. When the people of the town ate bread that was disbursed throughout the city, they had extreme hallucinations. Intense hallucinations that were scary enough to kill a few people and send herds more to insane asylums. The story is making a sweeping impact, and was reported here. Though it remains to be seen if it will make mainstream media here in the US. ...
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Jesus, game set match!!! give! uncle! enough! white towel!
part 1 When you want your proverbial arm shifted to and fro for ye, check out these two deadly podcasts. In no particular order because it says so, but just because I told ya part II is a bit extreme. Caller of the entire podcast may go to that gentleman from Texas who scared the living shit out of me! part 2 I'm also enamored with the potential beauty that lurks.....
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British MOD says No More UFO Cases!
From Dr. David Clarke's website: Britain's Ministry of Defence is destroying all UFO reports it receives so it can avoid answering Freedom of Information requests. This decision means that any future sightings - even those made by reliable sources such as aircrew, radar and police - will in future be shredded after 30 days, according to a formerly secret document released to me in response to a request under the FOIA. There is some great insight here as this undoubtedly had a lot to do with the recent release of UK UFO reports. Last...
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The Veritas Show - Follow the Water...
Follow the water. It is becoming quite clear that the process leading up to the revelation and full disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence is focused on water. Water is a fundamental requirement of living systems and constitutes a very important part of the conceptual framework of astrobiology - the science that examines the origins, evolution and future of life in the universe. Link to BBC article about water on the moon. Veritas Show - go have a listen, it's a great podcast!...
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Mrs. Aldrin
Buzz married Louis in 1888 1988. There is absolutely nothing to this story other than the fact, to be frank, she looks a little funny. I'm not one to judge, but I dare you to deny this statement! ...
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