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American Student Tasered For Asking John Kerry Important Questions

He didn't have OJ in his posse, he just wanted to know why John Kerry forfeited his right to be president. Listen carefully for the book/author he quotes, the message has, to my knowledge, been so repressed that even the suggestion of it's claim would make you sound crazy too.

Roll em!


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Is the IRS evil? Is it Us V.The State?

Is Ron Paul the answer?

There are people going down as we speak - so take notice:


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What The Hell Is A Straw Poll?

From Wiki:
A straw poll is an informal type of voting where the results of the poll have little or no direct results, other than to gauge opinion. Straw polls are commonly used in American political caucuses, where the primary goals are to select delegates and vote on resolutions. The results of the straw polls may influence the delegates as they participate in political conventions after the caucus.

This idiom alludes to a straw used to show in what direction the wind blows, in this case the wind of public opinion.

Well-known straw polls include the Ames Straw Poll and the Texas Straw Poll. The Ames, Iowa Republican Straw Poll is generally regarded as the most meaningful straw poll during the presidential campaign because of the large voter turnout, minor media recognition, and Iowa's tradition of being the first state to vote before the primaries.

Ok, so you already knew all that. Well here is the tally of Maryland's straw poll, from yesterday:

From: ronpaul-meetup.com On Behalf Of Jim

Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 8:48 PM

To: (Magic Pop Ufos Blog Readers)

Subject: Maryland Straw Poll Results — Ron Paul wins with 28% of the vote

We counted the MD straw poll ballots this evening. The results:

Ron Paul
263 28%

Rudy Guiliani
220 24%

Fred Thompson
188 20%

Mitt Romney
89 10%

John McCain
54 6%

Mike Huckabee
35 4%

Tom Tancredo
16 2%

Sam Brownback
12 1%

Duncan Hunter
3 0%

Write ins:

Newt Gingrich
17 2%

Bob Ehrlich
3 0%

11 1%

Spoiled ballots 15 2%

Total ballots 926

Pretty impressive, apparently when you have the world's most insanely large media mogul - Murdock - not on your side (Other Opinions Here), it is a difficult trick to get anything done in this country if it is of any political importance, just ask Larry Craig.

One of the fantastic benefits of being a blogger is my heightened awareness in the world of politics. When it comes to presidential elections, 2000 was a tough pill to swallow, but marching on, I still felt cheated with the Kerry/Bush options. I have to admit, up until August 25th, the day Aaron Russo died of bladder cancer, I was still unsatisfied with the political candidates. I had no particular interest in Ron Paul, only some memories of some die-hards once asking me questions about whether I knew of him, but I did not. After some more reading (and videos), I was pretty shocked at how much steam the Ron Paul team has built up in such a short time.

Then something strange happened just yesterday. GOP Straws, the website where straw votes are tallied, has removed Paul from the voting option. Below is the explanation served up by the webmaster:

UPDATE: Some of you may be wondering about the absence of Ron Paul from this months straw poll. Let me explain. After my decision to include Ron Paul in the previous poll, I monitored (to the best of my ability) the efforts by Paul's online supporters. With the help of other bloggers, we discovered a sophisticated coordinated effort to spam the poll, obfuscate their actions, and even cheat the poll.

Shortly after the launch of the previous poll, I received an email from Jesse Benton, the communications director for Ron Paul's campaign. He was interested in getting information about what safeguards are used in the straw poll in order to protect it from spammers/cheaters. I made it clear that I was not about to share the details of what protections are place. His response was a bit less than amicable.

I found it very curious that someone from Ron Paul's campaign would have such an active interest in the GOP Straw Poll and specifically request such guarded details about it. This high suspect request, combined with the efforts of Paul's online supporters to spam/cheat the poll. Ron Paul has been removed from this months poll in order to provide usable data on the acceptability/unacceptability of the candidates in the race. As you may have noticed in the previous poll, people who voted for Ron Paul as their number one choice also only put Ron Paul as the only acceptable candidate -- a voting behavior not mimicked by supporters of other candidates. This made the data severely flawed and useless as a barometer -- even for an unscientific one.

Ron Paul has some good videos to view, and an interesting perspective to share, but I recommend watching the Aaron Russo interview with Alex Jones to get more perspective. Paul is not going to echo Russo, or try to carry his torch, but their philosophies meshed with one another.

Here is an interview by Aaron Russo given to Ron Paul. I can't really see any other candidate holding a candle to him, but will any of this translate offline? Paul's view on the banking system is unlike anything we as Americans have come to learn, primarily due to his humanistic approach in discussing the details. Sometimes when financial matters are discussed in way we all understand, the red flags shoot up, but not this time. This perspective comes with great support, organization and intent. It should be interesting to watch Hilary or the others battle the perspectives held by Paul on the Federal Reserve System.


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Hey Loose Change Fans - NEWS!

911 NORAD tapes have been released.

You may not buy everything Dylan Avery and co. want you to buy (oh, nevermind - they don't ask you for a damn dime!) by watching their internet hit documentary about 911, Loose Change, but it's certainly compelling and the film is a HUGE internet success story and it is thought provoking enough to spark tons of controversy.

I'll never forget the time they were kicked out of the studio during a radio interview on KFI 640am (in Los Angeles) during The John Zeigler Show I think last year. Zig kicked their asses out for the most inane thing (I think because they came together into the studio or something equally pathetic) and I haven't listened to his show since. If you don't know them it's probably because they have been thrown off several other major talk shows including Bill O'Reilly before anything they say can be fairly assessed. They have kept their information incredibly respectful.

Anyway - I realize it's tedius. I realize you have important things to do. I realize you want beer. I realize I've never said a word about 911 so you're not sure why I'm posting this.

This stuff's incredible. If you have some free time (make some) go to this link:

Scrap Book

Explosive indeed. Go have a peek.

Also, for the true conspiracy theorist in all of us, there is a developing thread here: Above Top Secret

Finally, here's a link to the 2nd Edition of Loose Change.


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Did shooter Cho Seung-Hui see a UFO (or Black Helicopter)?

Check out the picture he took that is in his sinister manifesto as posted on AOL. In one photo included on the 2nd set of pictures (five were shown) one of the pictures was of a cloudy sky with what appeared to be a tiny object high up in the sky.

What was this?


I would hate to see this get pushed under the rug, as I find great significance in the picture. Why? Because it is a photograph that just doesn't belong where in that group of pictures, text, video, etc. as it is the only one focused on nature.

You heard it here first.


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UFO Technology?

WTF? Uhm, we are getting close my fellow humankind. Close to what? I'm not sure but if you demand change, change will come. Sit back and breath. Help is coming real soon.


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John Trubee is a guy who thought he would make it big having one of his "songs" recorded by one of those advertisements in the back of a magazine. So he wrote a poem and submitted it. The lyrics are pretty insane.

Peace & Love

I got high last night on LSD My mind was beautiful, and I was free Warts loved my nipples because they are pink Vomit on me, baby Yeah Yeah Yeah.
Stevie Wonder's penis is erect because he's blind It's erect because he's blind, it's erect because he's blind Stevie Wonder's penis is erect because he's blind It's erect because he is blind
Let's make love under the stars and watch for UFOs And if little baby Martians come out of the UFOs You can fuck them Yeah Yeah Yeah.
The zebra spilled its plastinia on bemis And the gelatin fingers oozed electric marbles Ramona's titties died in hell And the Nazis want to kill everyone.
Stevie Wonder's penis is erect because he's blind ... etc


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Scratch off that Arkansas story from your UFO files, it's secret story was solved by government explainations it was military artillary.

The initial report is a little disturbing, I for one never believed it was "not of this world" but when I read the former military colonial said THIS IS, it captured my stupid attention. This old fool just doesn't understand advanced technology.

People, we're at war. If part of that war is to do colorful air tests in the perfectly textured dawn skyline and make it close enough for 100's of civilian sightings to occur, be prepared for stupid reports. Seems like the official story almost does the crock story a decent death.


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man, seeming like there is something new to add to this blog nearly every other day!

seriously, it's getting strange and the people coming forward are extremely respectable. they aren't the only one's coming through.

for example: Col. Brian Fields gave some vivid testimony about the strange lights in the southeastern sky of Arkansas on January 9th.
this story has more vivid descriptions and more amplified testimony than even the O'hare incident, only much less covered throughout the online media. watch for this story to pick up more steam quickly.


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O'Hare Leaked News Broadcast Footage

The following video was leaked from a News room, showing unedited discussion of the Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO case among news broadcasters.

For the latest news on this case and other worldwide extraterrestrial activity, visit www.alienvideo.net


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there is just too much bloodshed right now in the world. at this point in time there is no reason to try and hide my thoughts on all this because everyone has it on their mind.

everyone has it on their mind.

there is murder. there is torture. there is legal murder. there is legal torture and it happens all right in front of our eyes every night on the news. and you sit there and let it happen. you sit there, or maybe you get home from the gym or work... or maybe you're cooking some noodles with vegetables or writing or surfing the net or watching Hill Street Blues.

you do anything but confront this nightly onslaught, but enjoy watching the Updates.

me, i don't give a shit. i'll never have to fight in a war unless it's happening in my streets and i'm forced to fight or die. i probably wouldn't last long, i like to stare at things i haven't seen before and i would most likely catch a sniper's shot in the lung and sprawl out all across my bedroom and gasp a sweet moment for all to hear, but none to record.

i was never fooled from day 1 about this presidential regime, nothing suprises me. nothing. when gdub says stupid shit, i don't laugh. when gdub talks i know where he's coming from and if there are some things time can heal, this term of presidency might be the one thing that must heal quickest.

the big picture has been broken up into many big pictures. several movies shown consecutively on a holiday marathon on t.v. don't miss any!

that's right, nothing fooled me and the election, if not both of them, were complete shams. kerry? i would have much rather had Carrey run for presidency at the time. if it's a job nobody wants (nobody with credentials- wise guy!) then why not revolutionize it? maybe bark o-bama has the right idea. he makes a great point. he's the one to blur the division line. finally. gdub is all about "us and them".

there is only ALL.


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Modest Mouse > A Life Of Artic Sounds


as long as your gone, i can't apologize
for all the things that i haven't said and done
And 100 miles is a long drive inside a car
200 miles is a long drive inside a car
300 miles is a long drive inside a car
400 miles is a long drive inside a car
500 miles is a real long drive in a car
600 miles is a long drive inside a car
700 miles is a long drive inside a car
800 miles is a long drive inside a car
900 miles is a long long long long ways in a car
1000 miles is a long drive inside a car
1100 miles is too far inside a car
I wrote my name on the sun
hey alright i might be goddamned
a life of arctic sounds
hey alright i might be goddamned
all the sad comedians
hey alright i might be goddamned
I wrote my name on the sun
hey alright i might be goddamned
a life of arctic sounds
hey alright i might be goddamned
all the sad comedians
hey alright i might be goddamned.


by I_Want_You_Dead on 05-26-2006 @ 11:28:02 PM
ummm, possibly a break up song? or an attempt to not have one? "as long as your gone" as in, if you're away i won't be able to apologize. so, maybe he's talking about having said something and she left, so, now he's going all this way there. but along the way he starts to loose hope "and 1100 miles is too far inside a car" so he turns around and is just like: "i'll write my name in the sun" or, i'm going away, watch me into the sunset (western style) and he'll live alone "life of arctic sounds" and he sees the humor in this irony (going miles for nothing) and he says, "hey, alright. so i screwed up. whatever." maybe something like that.

by RecoveringPain on 05-30-2006 @ 01:54:07 AM
I'm suprised theres only 1 comment this such a damn good song too, and i agree with I_want_you_dead.

by To Xi Ci Ty on 05-31-2006 @ 04:28:45 PM
Recovering Pain: This song is also listed as Life Of Arctic Sounds.

by ffunkboodha on 10-19-2006 @ 05:09:59 AM
a regret.not confessing my feelings at the moment they were present because of the situation. so i leave. i cant do anything about it cos shes not here. it doesn't get any easier driving away bc the silent moments are spent thinking about her and listening to this song sorta helps. 500 miles is a long drive inside a car.

by ICameAsaRat on 01-15-2007 @ 01:23:43 AM
I see the obvious break up refrences but whats with the line "all the sad comedians"?


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Reprinted from Sabah:
People claim seeing a UFO in Istanbul
Mysterious lights seen in Istanbul skies have baffled people on Wednesday night. Witnesses have claimed that the lights were coming from a UFO.In Bahçelievler district of Yenibosna, Istanbul, people have called news agencies on Wednesday night and reported unidentified white lights flying in the sky. According to the eye witnesses, the flying object was revolving around itself and blazing.
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A New UFO Crash In Tehran!

It's Tehran, and there have been several stories like this one during the past year. The answer, with little uncertainty, is this must be some sort of advanced military tracking device.

It would be nice to get some answers quickly.

It's radiant which adds to the mystery.


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O'Hare airport officials, yes, at least one official filed an FOIA report.

UFO Is Reported At O'Hare; Feds Are Silent

There is testimonial by credible eyewitnesses and the story, quite frankly, is blowing up.


So far today I've seen reports on Fox

On KAIT K8 news

and here it is on CNN.com

Apparently there is a cell phone picture somewhere. Interesting, especially considering I just got back from Roswell, NM yesterday!