

Happiness is being Lazy and letting others write good UFO articles

When I started blogging in 2003, I never thought I would actually create a blog where I discuss the news as it pertains to UFOs.  Oh, and Magic Pop.  But this is what I do, and I do it regularly because it is the best news to follow.  Better than sports because it's not controlled by Las Vegas, better than politics because in the end we have the choice to either believe or not to believe without facing the consequences of new tax laws going into effect.  That might be strange logic, but UFO research is fun, never ending and by all accounts, it is growing to enormous levels.  For some reason, it's the people who you would think take the most drugs who are doing the most convincing, which in itself may not be all that surprising.  Actors, directors, comedians, and musicians are who I'm speaking of, and for some reason, when they talk about their beliefs about alien life forms, people seem to really show interest even more than the world's top UFO researchers.  Listen to a Muse song or read an article by Nick Pope?  Hmm.. could I interest you in a Stanton Friedman lecture?  Thought so.
Anyway, every time I want to really get in to this sort of lecture, someone more famous writes the article, which is fine by me, so I'm gonna share it!


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